Odisha Nurses & Midwives Council (ONMC)

Govt. of Odisha


THE ODISHA STATE NURSING COUNCIL was constituted on 8 july 1938 under the authority of Odisha Nurses, Midwives Registration Act of 1938.The First council was nominated by Government with different members representing various constituencies under chapter 2 of the Act, all together consisting of 7 members. The Council is an Autonomous Statutory Registration body for qualified Nurses, Midwives, ANM's and Health Visitors. Its function includes:-

Supervision of the Nursing education and clinical nursing practice of the profession by its Member.

Granting recognition to the training institutions and periodical Inspection there on, as the Council is governing authority of physical and clinical facilities in almost all the nursing courses conducted in the institution.

Prescribing syllabus and curriculum for various nursing courses.

Registration and granting certificate to qualified persons to practice their profession and to watch and take action against practice of profession by quacks and check mal-practice as well and to take action.

The Council is also responsible for licensing and supervision of the Nurses, Auxiliary Nurse Midwives, Female Health Workers, and Lady Health Visitor/Health Supervisor practicing within the area under its jurisdiction.

The Council meets under the Chairmanship of and take decision on the matters covered by its statutory functions as enumerated above. The expenditure of the Council will be met with the fees charged for Registration and Renewal.